NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 (2025)

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  • NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 (250287397)

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    NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 (1)


    NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 (2)

    • Item # 250287397
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    Shipping Options

    Shipping to CANADA (2 - 7 BusinessDays ) $16.99 CAD ($8.49 CAD as additional item)
    Local pick up (FREE) $0.00 CAD ($0.00 CAD as additional item)
    Shipping to USA (2 - 7 BusinessDays ) $17.99 CAD ($8.99 CAD as additional item)

    Payment Options

    Seller Accepts PayPal

    Payment Instructions
    <p>Pay in-store by Cash, Debit or Credit Card, no prior checkout required. Pick ups (and all Shipping orders) can also pay via website checkout by PayPal or Credit Card</p> <span style="color: red;"><b>PICK UP/SHIPPING DEADLINE:</b> <p>Items not picked up/shipped within 25 days will be cancelled. This very generous allowance gives you extra time to pick up/ship multiple items together. Unpaid items may lead to account closure. All purchases from SabbaShop are subject to the Terms & Conditions set forth on this site.</p></span>


    • Baby Soft Feet: The Wild Beauty foot peel mask is the perfect foot mask to help you achieve those smooth, baby soft feet! This feet peeling mask provides spa-like results from the comfort of your own home! Our foot peel mask for dry cracked feet will give you the soft, delicate baby skin you've been dreaming of!
    • Easy To Use: This exfoliating foot mask to peel off dead skin is simple to use, making it the top foot mask for dry cracked feet! Our foot peel mask callus remover are foot masks that remove dead skin while you relax & enjoy the things you love!
    • Moisturizes Dry Cracked Feet: No more hiding your feet with these foot mask socks! Our foot peeling mask is the top foot softening process to remove dead skin from feet! This feet mask for dry cracked feet exfoliating mask boosts confidence so you can show your feet anywhere!
    • Helps Remove Calluses: Our foot care for women are the ideal foot masks to remove dead skin and calluses! This foot care for dry cracked feet will leave you with buttery soft feet! Its the best peeling foot mask!


    • INCLUDES 3 Pair Foot Peel Masks
    • MSRP $49.00
    • UPC 196852895267
    • Storage 074-097B, 1329432
    • ProductID 1329432
    NEW Live Wild Beauty Dry Cracked Feet Moisturizes Foot Peel Masks, 3 Pairs $49 (2025)


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    Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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    Views: 6105

    Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-03-23

    Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

    Phone: +13408645881558

    Job: Global Representative

    Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

    Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.